5 Benefits Of Learning To Play A Musical Instrument

Author: Staff Post


Learning to play a musical instrument can start someone on a path of life long learning and knowledge of self and culture. Research has repeatedly shown that playing music supports healthy social development and the quality of a person's life. In this post, we’ll provide a list of our top 5 Benefits Of Learning To Play A Musical Instrument and review two articles that support our findings.

In an article featured in Making Music Magazine, the editorial provides a great infographic that analyzes the results of research conducted by The Musician Lab, providing an in-depth look into the benefits of learning to play a musical instrument. Among the top results were, memory skills (better memory and concentration power), coordination skills (improvement of hand-eye coordination), math (problem-solving) and improvement in reading and comprehension. We were surprised to see some of the results and encourage you to view the article at https://makingmusicmag.com/21-benefits-of-learning-a-musical-instrument/.

So now that you’ve viewed the infographic from The Musician Lab, you’ve learned some of the benefits learning to play a musical instrument can provide. This raises another very important question. What is the best age to begin? There is no right or wrong answer to this question, as learning to play can benefit people of all ages. So, there’s no time like the present. In a post published earlier this year on the Australian Government website, Learning Potential, the article lists a number of musical benefits for children between the ages of 2-11, which correspond to those found on The Musician Lab infographic. The results are also consistent within other studies across the web as well and also include memory and concentration, language skills, math skills and increased coordination to name a few. You can learn more about these benefits in detail at https://www.learningpotential.gov.au/articles/musical-benefits.

Based on the findings of these two articles, along with additional research, these 5 benefits are consistently found amongst the top:

Brain Benefits - Learning to play a musical instrument can help improve literacy and math skills, provide you with better coordination and improve your memory and IQ.

Social Development - Ask most musicians (at least the ones I know) and they’ll tell you they prefer to play in a group or band versus solo. Playing in front of an audience rather then alone in a room and engaging with your audience, while cultivating relationships and feeding off of the energy with other band members is part of what makes music great. In doing so, your connecting, inspiring and entertaining, while bringing joy to others.

Builds Confidence and Provides A Sense of Achievement - For every note played correctly, every verse put together and every song completed is an accomplishment in its own right. It lifts and motivates to achieve what was thought to be impossible at the onset. Someone once told me every hour needs a minute and every minute needs a second. Once they all add up in perfect harmony, the day is done.


Can Relieve Stress and Anxiety - Many studies show music as a whole contributes to lowering stress and anxiety. Whether your listening, singing, or playing, music stimulates the release of certain neurochemicals that can aid in the reduction of mental health issues.

It’s Just Plain Fun - For no other reason, it’s just fun to play an instrument. Sit down at a drum set or piano, pick up a guitar, or a woodwind or brass instrument and just make some noice. There’s something therapeutic about just making a racket.

If you’re looking for new ways to improve your well being, education or that of a family member or friend, consider learning how to play a musical instrument. Music is a universal language that provides joy and inspiration to nearly all. Fully commit to the process and before you know it, you’ll be enjoying the benefits yourself. Don’t forget to practice and most of all HAVE FUN!